The TMSA Apex Testing Team is fully committed to the successful execution of the North Carolina Testing Program. Our team assumes responsibility for the entire spectrum of tasks, encompassing test registration, administration, and the meticulous reporting of test scores. Our unwavering dedication lies in upholding the authenticity of these assessments while implementing measures that safeguard their integrity and champion ethical testing principles.
Every student within TMSA Apex must partake in the state-mandated tests. Their participation cake take various forms as the administration of a general assessment under standard conditions, the administration of a general assessment with testing accommodations, or through the use of the state-designated alternate assessment with or without testing accommodations.
The TMSA Apex Testing Coordinator (Mr. Said [email protected]) collaborates closely with the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) to ensure the seamless orchestration of the state-mandated tests. These tests are of paramount importance within the educational framework, assuming a pivotal role in evaluating students' advancement and overall educational efficacy.
Please review North Carolina's Family Guide to Assessment or watch this introductory video. These guides discusses why assessments are important, provides an overview of the different assessments that students take, and reviews questions families can ask teachers about assessments. Finally, the guides look at how North Carolina ensures assessments are fair and accessible for all students.
Grade 3 Read to Achieve (RtA) Law and Beginning of Grade 3 Test (BOG 3):
The Grade 3 Read to Achieve (RtA) Law mandates that that every student read at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that they can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.
The North Carolina BOG3 Reading Test is linked to the RtA. This test establishes a baseline measure of beginning third-grade students’ English language arts/reading skills. Click for more information.
TMSA Apex 2022-2023 RtA Grade 3 End of Year Results
EOG: NC End of Grade Tests for Grades 3-8
The EOG tests measure student performance on the goals, objectives, and grade-level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
WIDA and ACCESS 2.0: English Language Proficiency Tests
TMSA Apex must identify students in need of language services in a timely manner. The WIDA Screener is the assessment used in North Carolina for the initial identification and placement of students identified as English Learners (EL). The administration of the WIDA Screener assessment is based on the results of the Home Language Survey (HLS) process. The HLS process and the identification and subsequent placement of EL students in English as a Second Language (ESL) services are guided at the state level by the NCDPI Curriculum and Instruction Division.
The student is required by state and federal law to be assessed annually with a state-identified English language proficiency test. The test currently used by North Carolina for annual assessment is the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ELLs) or the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0. Eligible students may participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs in place of the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0.
Click for more information.
NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessments
The NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment is a performance-based alternate assessment designed to assess students with significant cognitive disabilities who are being taught using the Extended Content Standards. NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment items are grade-level, performance-based, multiple-choice items that measure the standards specified in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards. These Extended Content Standards are available for download here.
To determine participation in any of the NCEXTEND1 alternate assessments, the following eligibility requirements must be met:
- The student must have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- The student is enrolled in grades 3–8, 10, or 11, according to PowerSchool. Note: Only those students enrolled in 11th grade for the first time are required to take the NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment at grade 11.
- The student is instructed using the North Carolina Extended Content Standards in all assessed content areas (i.e., English Language Arts/Reading, Mathematics, and Science).
- The student has a significant cognitive disability.
- The student's disability significantly impacts adaptive behaviors, defined as essential skills for living and functioning independently.
- The student requires extensive and repeated individualized instruction and support to make meaningful gains.
- The student uses substantially adapted materials and individualized methods of accessing information in alternative ways.
Click for more information.